Bookish Asia
with Plum Rain Press

Plum Rain Press is dedicated to highlighting the best fiction and non-fiction on the East Asia region, whether they’re our books or not. Our weekly Bookish Asia podcast looks at both new releases and old classics.
It is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms.

Veteran Hong Kong-based journalist and prolific author Mark O'Neill tells us what Taiwan was like in the early 1980s, when he first came to study Chinese. Despite a mysterious knife attack and various authoritarian elements (such as “mail boxes” for reporting spies and subversives), he loved the country. Over the next four decades, he made numerous trips back, witnessing and reporting on Taiwan’s transformation from one party rule to an admirable democracy. “The Island” is not Mark’s first Taiwan book – earlier works include ones on Buddhist charity Tzu Chi and the National Palace Museum – so he brings both depth and breadth to his entertaining look at the country. As such, it’s our pleasure for Mark to kick off the Bookish Asia podcast.
Ever dream of owning a vineyard? Yorkshireman Chris Ruffle did, and to make things even more interesting he decided to do it from scratch in the countryside of Shandong Province. And don’t forget the castle, a Scottish castle, which he built at the site. Chris’ adventure was often more nightmare than rural idyll, but it certainly gave him lots of stories and great insights into the country and people. It’s one thing to live and work in a country, but investing all your savings in a business gives a unique experience and perspective. “A Decent Bottle of Wine in China” is a unique book which joins the ranks of foreigner accounts such as Tim Clissold’s “Mr. China” and Mark Kitto’s “China Cuckoo.” Thankfully, this tale has a happy ending, and his Treaty Port Vineyards is flourishing.

John talks with Chris Bates about one of Taiwan’s greatest ever martial artists, Hong Yixiang 洪懿祥 (1925–1993). He was Taiwan’s foremost master of the Chinese internal martial arts (which consist of baguazhang 八卦掌, xingyiquan 形意拳 and taijiquan 太極拳.) The Hong family learnt these fighting forms from exiled Mainlanders who fled the communists in the late 1940s. These skills were put to good use in dealing with local gangsters in the turbulent post-WWII years in Taipei.
Chris, who trained with Hong and his sons, translated his biography “Blurred Boundaries,” written by son Hong Ze-han, into English. Like the book, this Bookish Asia episode is not just a conversation about kung fu, but a rich cultural dive down little-known alleys.
(Note: This is a slightly longer version – with added mentions of the translation and publisher – of an edition which ran on the Formosa Files podcast on June 13/2024. Chris also previously spoke with John about his own martial arts odyssey in Taiwan: “Bonus Episode: Way of the Warrior - Martial Arts Master Chris Bates,” May 25, 2023.)
Thomas Bird was living in Southern China when he decided to explore the country by train and write a book about it. A great idea – and long overdue; the last notable railway-flavored China travelogue was Paul Theroux’s “Riding the Iron Rooster” (1988). Taking advantage of China’s rapidly expanding high-speed train network, Thomas journeyed far and wide. He also sought out the old lines and trains. Although framed around trains, “Harmony Express” is above all an account of the people he meets along the way and what China is like today. The book and this podcast episode will be of interest not just to train enthusiasts but for anyone interested in China (and those who think Bruce Chatwin is overrated).

John talks with John Saeki about tigers in Hong Kong. The big cats once made frequent and sometimes deadly forays into the territory, even reaching islands such as Lamma and Lantau. Listen and learn about the 1911 Stanley Tiger, the Sheung Shui Tiger of 1915 which left two British policemen dead, and the Shing Mun Rambler of 1965, possibly the last tiger to stalk the hills of Hong Kong. They also discuss the fabled “Blue Tiger” of Fujian Province.
American Kim Liao describes unraveling her family’s mysterious history. Her grandfather was Taiwanese independence movement leader Thomas Liao (1910–1986); Kim, who grew up with family members and relatives silent on this remarkable man, set out to investigate. The resulting book covers multiple stories; that of her family and also Taiwan’s fight for freedom in the White Terror years.
(Note: John also recorded another episode with Kim focusing on Thomas Liao – see Formosa Files S4-E23)

Chris Ruffle returns to Bookish Asia (we covered his memoir A Decent Bottle of Wine in China in Episode 2) to discuss his autobiographical novel, which is set in Beijing in 1983. After decades of Cold War tensions, China is starting to reopen to the West. In the story, a young Englishman, working at a trading company, finds himself in a budding romance. But there’s a problem; the father of the Chinese woman he likes is asking for access to forbidden foreign technology.
Robert Norris has been in Japan since 1983, mostly in Dazaifu (near Fukuoka on the island of Kyushu). He retired from university teaching in 2016, returning once more to his passion of writing. The result is a memoir of both his and his mother’s life. In this episode we look at Robert’s time in Japan, from his early days learning Japanese by being in a softball team to his busy university years as a dean. For more information on his writing, visit his website.

Zhou Youguang (周有光) was one of the creators of Hanyu Pinyin, a system of romanization for Chinese characters. Introduced to PRC elementary schools in the late 1950s, it was instrumental in improving China’s literacy rates. Zhou had an extraordinary life and a long one, living to the age of 111. Prolific Hong Kong-based author Mark O’Neill shares his knowledge and admiration for this underappreciated scholar.
(Apologies for the audio quality.)
Veteran East Asia journalist Ralph Jennings discusses his guide to understanding Chinese people and culture. His “Useful Tips” are better described as “insights,” as these are not your usual “Never stick chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice” or “Never give a clock as a gift” kind of advice. Among the 50 chapters in Ralph’s book are: Why It’s Always So Noisy in China; Family as an Economic, Social and Religious Unit; Who to Impress if Marrying a Chinese Person; Why Hands Don’t Get Raised at Meetings; and, What’s Up with Gambling, from Macau to the Financial Markets?

John talks with Taipei-based photographer Chris Stowers about his new book, Shoot, Ask ... and Run!, an account of his journalistic travels and life in Asia in the early 1990s. In this episode, adventures are discussed, the romance of pre-Internet travel fondly recalled, and favorite books given praise.
If you want to hear about Chris’s first travelogue, Bugis Nights, you can listen to the three-part “Free China Junk” story told on Formosa Files: the History of Taiwan podcast. Chris also discussed photographing Taiwan in a bonus FF episode.
Sam Baldwin chats about his life-changing two years as an English teacher on the JET Programme in the Japanese town of Ono, Fukui Prefecture. Snow-loving Sam made the most of his time in this backwoods location, especially during the winters, one of which was a record-breaker. For Fukui’s Sake is a standout among the books written by JET participants, which is why John asked Sam to contribute to an anthology, Inaka: Portraits of Life in Rural Japan. This Bookish Asia episode also touches on Sam’s latest book, Dormice & Moonshine: Falling for Slovenia, a beautiful account of his travels around the former Yugoslav republic and his adventures buying a 300-year-old sausage-curing cabin in the Slovenia mountains.